1. A Creamy AVOCADO TOAST loveandoliveoil.com Avocado toast is basically the easiest thing in the world to make, and good for you thanks to avocado’s plentiful Omega-3’s. But it tastes so luxurious, you’ll feel like you’re …

Diet and Fitness Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle
Diet and Fitness Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle
1. A Creamy AVOCADO TOAST loveandoliveoil.com Avocado toast is basically the easiest thing in the world to make, and good for you thanks to avocado’s plentiful Omega-3’s. But it tastes so luxurious, you’ll feel like you’re …
1. Whatever you do, don’t do a detox or cleanse. Destroyed By Science / Via Facebook: destroyedbyscience “They can potentially wreak havoc on your body and be very unhealthy. Be wary of products that promote weight loss …
1. Gingerbread Cheesecake Bars Not only are these cheesecake bars gluten-free and vegan, they also don’t take up any oven space to make (because they’re no-bake). Get the recipe here.